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PAMSA to develop paper industry qualifications

The Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (PAMSA) has taken up the role of the Development Quality Partner (DQP) for the development of four qualifications in the pulp and paper sector under the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). Click on the link to read the full story

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Balance between chemical and recycling goals needs improvement – study The Dutch environment and public health agency has called for “room for maneuver” in EU chemicals policy to ensure the full benefits of recycling are realised. The agency examined recycling of PVC containing lead, cadmium and DEHP. Plastics That Contain Hazardous Substances_ Recycle or Incinerate (2)

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Milk for Change, a campaign to encourage consumers to donate milk to hungry underprivileged children, launched to stakeholders and the media in Bryanston on Wednesday, 20 April. The brainchild of food processing and packaging solutions company Tetra Pak, in partnership with Food SA, the campaign will from the 26 May and conclude on 1 June, which is World Milk Day, when the milk will be...

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ISWA’s Circular Economy Six Pack of Reports

Comprehensive Reports from the ISWA Task Force With the Circular Economy Package sitting at the top of the European waste agenda, and COP21 commitments fresh off the drawing board, the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) has published a series of six high level reports detailing the challenges and opportunities presented by a shift away from a linear economy. Article from Waste...

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SABS – Publication of standards

Please see attached letter from the SABS Standards Division with regards to – Publication of standards that address legislative/regulatory matters. click on link below to view letter Publication of standards that address legislative_regulatory matters

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There’s An Eco Inside My Package, And It’s Getting Louder

By Norman Kay, CEO at IBC Shell Packaging Brands needn’t go to market naked in support of our planet’s deteriorating eco-system; they just have to be packaged more appropriately. Sustainability is equally compatible with ultra premium, upscale or modest product offerings…….

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Most waste streams are appropriate for recycling

“There are various waste streams and most of them are appropriate for recycling. By seeing waste as a resource, we can help protect virgin materials and aim to create a circular economy where very little waste is generated,” says Prof Suzan Oelofse, president of the IWMSA. Article posted on BIZCOMMUNITY, click on link to read full write-up...

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Five key trends driving the packaging market

Rigid plastics, flexibles, and board, metal and glass packaging will drive industry expansion across the next five years. In global researcher Smithers Pira’s report, called The Future of Global Packaging to 2020, it states that the $839 billion packaging market will reach $998 million in value by 2020. Click on link to read this article from Packaging news...

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The circular economy moves from theory to practice

Practically speaking, the goals of the circular economy are to shift the take-make-waste linear industrial system in big and meaningful ways to create closed loop systems. The result is a net positive or restorative impact measurable at the scale of an economy, creating shared value with environmental, economic and social benefits.  How are these benefits realized? At a Case...

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Sustainable Packaging Coalition

Sustainable Packaging Coalition, which “takes a material-neutral, life cycle-oriented approach to packaging sustainability with a goal of enabling and encouraging a more sustainable economy for all materials,” has found in its studies—and concluded—that the use of “biodegradability additives for conventional petroleum-based plastics . . . do not offer any sustainability...

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