The Packaging Council of South Africa (PACSA) was founded in 1984 and has been replaced by a new industry body called Packaging SA. Packaging SA is closely associated with The Institute of Packaging South Africa (IPSA). Packaging SA is a voluntary industry body. Its members are in two broad categories, Converters and Associates. The Converters represent some 70% of the revenue generated by the industry. Associates are in effect the major raw material suppliers, material organizations, brand owners, retailers and other organizations and associations with interests in the packaging industry. Collectively this body directly employs some 60 000 people in South Africa.
Packaging SA represents views of its members on National issues with particular focus on environmental matters.
Packaging SA’s Mission
Packaging SA will provide effective leadership and representation on major external and internal issues which impact the packaging industry, to all interested parties including government, the media and its own membership.
The issues will predominantly be those which affect more than one member or industry group and which require strong industry representation. Packaging SA will actively promote the benefits of packaging. Packaging SA’s primary focus is on environmental issues.
Packaging SA’s Objectives include ……
To promote standards for the packaging industry which will meet the mutual criteria of the industry & the community & Government so as to increase technical competence
- To support education & training programs to improve the technical competence of individuals & companies engaged in packaging.
- To support programs & policies relating to the protection & improvement of the environment through the conservation of resources, control of litter & effective solid waste management, including recycling of resources, recovery & separation thereof.
- To support conferences, exhibitions & programs aimed at improving understanding & awareness by Government, industry, commerce, unions, educational establishments & the public on matters referred to in the previous objectives.
- To provide a central reference point for the packaging industry for services to members, government & other organizations on economic & legislative aspects of the industry.
- To communicate to all sections of the community as appropriate the relationship of packaging to efficient production & distribution of good & services & the industry’s contribution to living, work & leisure standards.
- To examine, evaluate & make submissions relating to all proposed governmental legislation involving the packaging industry & to work with Government in their development of such legislation by co-ordinating the activities & creating a central reference point for the packaging industry.
- To co-operate with other professional trade associations, institutions & bodies with interests in packaging & act in bring these together with common interest in specific issues.
To establish & maintain relationships with similar bodies in other countries to improve performance of these objectives. - To create & maintain a meaningful basis of continuing dialogue between Government, local authorities, commerce & industry on matters pertaining to or affecting the packaging industry.
To gain recognition of acceptable principles of positive & systematic litter control as the best approach to litter reduction. - To co-operate with all interested bodies to promote exports of packaging & related products.
- To do all other things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objectives.