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A plastics engineer explains why we don’t need no stinking bag bans

True confessions: A plastics engineer explains why we don’t need no stinking bag bans

By: Eric Larson in Packaging Sustainability, Recycling, Materials – November 18, 2016

All the bans in the world aren’t going to reduce marine waste unless we get people to stop throwing things away without thinking.

What we need are intelligent solutions. We need to develop the infrastructure for the use, re-use and re-processing of synthetic materials, not just plastics, but steel, glass, concrete, asphalt. We need recycling systems, containment systems, along with a comprehensive effort to change human behavior. We need to transition from a throwaway society to a sustainable re-processing society. Those efforts should include not just education and TV ads, but social pressure to encourage and support the change.

Read the full article posted on Plastics Today:-