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South African plastics industry sees 9% y/y increase

The latest plastic recycling figures released by Plastics|SA are reflective of a vibrant and dynamic industry that is growing despite the many challenges it faces. Click on link to read full story in

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Polystyrene recycling bearing fruit

The Polystyrene Packaging Council (PSPC) has announced a record-breaking year of polystyrene recycling. According to PSPC spokesperson and director, Adri Spangenberg, the 2014 year has in many respects been a break-through year for the Council…… Click on link to read the full article published in

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Bottle-2-Bottle Phoenix Recycling Plant

Recycling company Petco’s largest contracted recycler Extrupet has launched its new Bottle-2-Bottle Phoenix recycling plant, in Germiston, which will produce an additional 14 000 t/y of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resin for the packaging industry. Click on link to read full article in Engineering News

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The Packaging Council of South Africa (PACSA) has rebranded itself as PACKAGING SA.

This new name better describes the association and its role to provide industry representation and leadership on major issues impacting the industry to all interested parties and stakeholders including government, the media and its own membership. The issues are predominantly those which affect more than one member or industry group and which require strong industry representation. PACKAGING SA...

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Join the Institute of Packaging

Join the Institute of Packaging and stay connected in this fast developing industry By joining the Institute of Packaging (SA), packaging professionals not only develop a sense of belonging, they keep abreast if many important issues affecting this fast developing industry. Download the advertisement with full details here.

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IPSA Advanced Diploma in Packaging technology

This programme is open to all graduates of the Institute’s One Year Diploma in Packaging Technology and those with appropriate experience or an equivalent qualification. It builds on the basic course and is aimed at individuals who are being prepared or preparing themselves for senior or management level positions in the industry. The 2015 course is being offered in KwaZulu Natal with the...

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Packaging chain beware: waste levy is imminent

SINCE 2009, when first mooted, much has been said and written about the National Environmental Management Waste Act – a controversial piece of legislation designed to reform the regulation of waste management in South Africa.  Throughout the intervening years, PACSA (the Packaging Council of South Africa) has played a key role in formulating an industry response to this proposed legislation and,...

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SA landfills not up to scratch

Civil rights organisation AfriForum has released its report on its national campaign ‘Don’t mess with our waste!’ based on the 2014 audit of dumping sites. It found that 72% of dumping sites do not comply with regulations. Click here for the full article

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