Register to engage and stay informed on the development of the Packaging SA Federation of Plans
Packaging SA is in the process of developing an Industry Waste Management Plan (IndWMP) in line with the Minister of Environmental Affairs “Call on the Paper and Packaging Industry, Electronical and Electronic industry and Lighting industry to prepare and submit industry waste management plans to the Minister for approval” detailed in Government Gazette No.1353 on 6 December 2017.
Packaging SA intends to submit a Federation of Plans for the packaging industry as a whole. Therefore, the following Producer Responsibility Organisations (PROs) are included in the preparation of these plans:
- Polyco (Polyolefin material) –
- PETCO (Polyethylene terephthalate – PET) –
- The Glass Recycling Company –
- MetPac-SA (Metals) –
- Polystyrene Association of South Africa –
- South African Vinyls Association –
- Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa –;
Each PRO is in the process of completing their own individual plans for inclusion into the Federation of Plans. During this process many have or will be engaging with key Stakeholders during this process. The PRO plans will be submitted for inclusion into the Federation of Plans. A comprehensive public participation process as per the required regulatory process will be undertaken during mid July to mid August with a broader range of stakeholders. Details of this engagement will be communicated to all current members and to those who register, as well as notifications in two national newspapers.
We value the input that will be provided during this time and therefore encourage you to register with the consultant team to stay abreast of developments and notifications. There is no charge to register for this process. Please send your details (i.e. Name, Organisation, preferred contact details (e-mail; cellphone number) and your interest in the development of the IndWMP) to Sally-Anne Kasner ( or Bonte Edwards (
What should you do after registering as a stakeholder for the IndWMP process?
If you are a Brand owner, processor (converter) or producer (local and/or importer) and have not yet registered with your respective PRO, then please do so now. If you manage a number of material streams, please register with ALL material PROs (no cost for the registration for this purpose). If you are still uncertain as to what you should do, please contact either the respective PRO, Packaging SA ( or the consultant team for further assistance.
We look forward to engage with you on the development of this plan.