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Plastics recycling up, recovery down

Plastics packaging recycling rates have increased, according to a survey commissioned by the Australian Packaging Covenant (APC).

The APC commissioned Envisage Works and Sustainable Resource Use (SRU) to undertake the 2015-16 National Recycling and Recovery Survey (NRRS) for plastics packaging.

The survey results show an improved plastics packaging recycling rate of 31.1 per cent, up from the 29.3 per cent in the previous year.

Approximately 263,000 tonnes of plastics packaging was recycled across Australia during the survey period, with a total consumption figure of 844,300 tonnes.

Plastic packaging recovery saw a minor decrease of 5500 tonnes on the 268,500 tonnes of plastics packaging recycled in 2014–15. This represented a decrease of two per cent in overall recovery from 2014-15.

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