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“The South African metal packaging industry is poised for growth and is on the cusp of an exciting era as efforts to introduce new technology and improve this packaging material’s environmental credentials are starting to bear fruit.” This was the message that Kishan Singh, Chief Executive Officer of MetPac-SA, delivered at the Australian Institute of Packaging’s (AIP) biennial National...

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EU plastics industry outraged by European Commission’s proposal to ban single-use plastics

The European Commission recently presented an ambitious new directive to tackle marine litter by introducing a number of measures, including reduction and restriction of selected single-use plastic products, such as disposable balloon sticks, straws, cutlery, plates, cups and food containers. That has the European plastics industry in an uproar. The European Plastics Converters (EuPC) sent out...

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Register to engage and stay informed on the development of the Packaging SA Federation of Plans

Packaging SA is in the process of developing an Industry Waste Management Plan (IndWMP) in line with the Minister of Environmental Affairs “Call on the Paper and Packaging Industry, Electronical and Electronic industry and Lighting industry to prepare and submit industry waste management plans to the Minister for approval” detailed in Government Gazette No.1353 on 6 December 2017. Packaging SA...

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Hosted in Johannesburg, South Africa, the trade and industry hub of Sub-Saharan Africa’s escalating economic prowess, the Manufacturing Indaba 2018 will be set amidst the exciting backdrop of Industry 4.0 which aims to open a gateway of opportunities for existing and prospective manufacturers in the region. Known as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, the term Industry 4.0 is an embodiment of...

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China trash ban is a global recycling wake up call

China’s trash import ban is giving the global recycling industry an enormous headache. The flip side: the world has finally been forced to rethink its approach to waste. Beijing has last year banned the imports of 24 varieties of solid waste, including types of plastic and unsorted paper. On Friday, it extended the ban to dozens more types of recyclable materials, including steel waste,...

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Biggest pollutants on SA beaches during 2017 identified

Plastics|SA recently released the audited results of the biggest pollutants found on our beaches during 2017. According to John Kieser, sustainability manager of Plastics|SA and coordinator of the clean-ups that took place in the Cape provinces, the past few months were spent compiling and analysing the datasheets that were filled in by more than 30,000 volunteers. More than five tonnes of...

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Tetra Pak to develop paper straws for juice boxes

Swiss packaging firm Tetra Pak is introducing paper straws for its juice boxes in response to growing concerns over plastic waste. The Lausanne-based company said April 30 it has been working to encourage consumers to push straws “back in the pack” once empty, so they can be collected along with the rest of the package. “Now, work is under way to develop a paper straw that is suitable for use...

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SA PET industry hits new high with 2.15 billion bottles recycled

65% recycling rate on par with international standards; 64 000 income-generating opportunities created. Despite tough trading conditions and a 13% fall in the total PET market, the South African plastic industry recycled a record 2.15 billion PET plastic bottles in 2017, setting a post-consumer recycling rate of 65% to put the country on par with international standards. The 93 235 tonnes of...

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MetPac-SA has appointed packaging guru Kishan Singh to take over the helm from Delanie Bezuidenhout as the organisation’s new Chief Executive Officer with effect from the 1st of March 2018. Kishan is widely known and respected for his in-depth knowledge, technical and commercial expertise within the metals packaging sector. He obtained his BSc degree (majoring in Chemistry and Biochemistry)...

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