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Author: Liza Ralph


DECEMBER 2017 NEWSLETTER President’s Word Packaging is important, but…. You and I know that already, much more than the average person.  In most of my speeches, across the globe, during the last several years, I finish with the following, “We know that there is no culture on Earth that can do without packaging. But too often, packaging is viewed, by many, as a problem. So, it is up to us to...

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Will plastics cede to paper in the sustainable packaging market?

By: Clare Goldsberry, Packaging Sustainability, Business, Consumer Products December 27, 2017 Plastic might just have to cry “Uncle” and cede to paper when it comes to the sustainable packaging market. Now, before all you plastics people get your hackles up, there are several reasons I say this. Read this article posted on

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Group looks to divert major volumes of ocean-bound plastics

Posted on on January 4, 2018 by Colin Staub Large brand owners and manufacturers have formed an effort aimed at diverting millions of pounds of plastic material that could potentially end up as marine debris. NextWave is a collaborative effort to collect and incorporate marine plastics as recycled content in new products, and to reduce plastic usage overall. Its founding...

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World’s Most Wasteful Countries

The average household produces more than a tonne of waste every year – and it’s during the festive period that we waste the most, according to E-Card firm Eco2 Greetings. In fact, the company said that over Christmas we create 30% more waste than usual. Everything from cards and envelopes, wrapping paper, boxes from biscuits and chocolates, shopping bags, wine bottles and toy packaging...

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Europe looks at packaging diversion and targets

The European Union’s Circular Economy Package legislation is expected to set a 55 percent recycling target for plastics by 2025, according to the report. Packaging makes up 40 percent of plastics usage each year, meaning packaging will play a large role in any recycling strategy. Click on the link to read the full article written by Colin Staub for Plastics Recycling Update on 20 December 2017...

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The 2018 PETCO Awards are now open for nominations!

2018 PETCO AWARDS NOW OPEN FOR NOMINATIONS! Once again, the South African PET industry’s biggest celebration of recycling and waste management excellence are now open for nominations. The PETCO Awards recognise leadership and future-thinking across the PET industry and beyond in addressing recycling, reuse and waste minimisation. Winners are recognised by their peers for contributing to...

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Click on the link below to read the Polystyrene Association’s December newsletter which gives you a snapshot of the various highlights of the past year, as well as the most recent news updates and developments taking place through their various polystyrene recycling projects and initiatives. Poly_Ass_Dec_Newsletter_2018_final

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The future of plastics: reusing the bad and encouraging the good

Plastics have got themselves a bad name, mainly for two reasons: most are made from petroleum and they end up as litter in the environment. However, both of these are quite avoidable. An increased focus on bio-derived and degradable composites as well as recycling could lessen pollution and, in fact, plastics could make a positive contribution to the environment. Plastics for bad The durability...

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Some call for global treaty on plastic marine waste

At UN meeting, some call for global treaty on plastic marine waste More than 200 countries adopted a resolution urging much more be done about plastic waste, and some said they wanted the action to lead to legally binding treaties. More aggressive action against plastic waste, especially to keep it from getting into the oceans, was in the driver’s seat at a major United Nations environmental...

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